Thursday, November 15, 2018
8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Mills College, Oakland, CA
Program-level learning assessment provides an effective set of tools to ensure a coherent and meaningful student learning experience. Assessment 101 is a practical introduction to the basics of student learning assessment for faculty, administrators, and other educators. Participants will learn about meaningful, efficient, and sustainable assessment practices aimed at improving student learning and meeting external compliance requirements. The workshop will offer a broad introduction to the typical assessment cycle with special emphasis on describing what students are expected to learn (outcomes); identifying where and how students learn it (curriculum map); investigating how well students achieve the learning outcomes (measure); and developing appropriate actions based on student learning achievement (improvement). The workshop will blend brief presentations with activities. Topics addressed will be equally applicable to undergraduate and graduate programs and general education.
Workshop Intentions
- Learn about the purposes of program-level learning outcomes assessment
- Become familiar with the typical “assessment cycle”
- Revise and review student learning outcome statements
- Learn strategies to align curriculum, learning outcomes, and evidence
- Differentiate ‘indirect’ evidence from ‘direct’ evidence of learning
- Explore feasible ways to collect and evaluate learning evidence
- Interpret learning outcome assessment results and identify possible actions to improve teaching and learning
- Consider options aimed at moving assessment forward for a program or campus
Intended Audience
This workshop is appropriate for those new to program and institutional-level learning outcomes assessment and for those who want to strengthen their foundational knowledge. The content will be most useful to faculty, department chairs, staff, and administrators who participate in or play a lead role in assessment for their program or campus. The examples will focus primarily on undergraduate and graduate academic programs, but the principles can translate to co-curricular programs.
Monica Stitt-Bergh, Associate Specialist, Assessment Office, University of Hawai‘i – Mānoa
Su Swarat, Assistant Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness, California State University, Fullerton
Hotel Reservations: We encourage participants to make their hotel reservations as soon as possible. Given the Assessment 101 workshop is being held on a campus, WSCUC has not contracted nor secured a group rate with any particular hotel. There are many websites online that help with finding reasonably priced hotels.
Registration: Registration fee includes lunch. Beverages and snacks will be available during breaks. Attendees will be on their own for all other meals.
Registration fees: $325/per team member until 11/1/18. After the registration deadline, if space is available, the late registration fee will be $375/per team member.
Discount for Combined Registration: Building a Culture of Quality: A Retreat for Institutional Leaders with Linda Suskie will be offered on November 16, 2018 at Mills College. The special rate for a combined registration for Assessment 101 and Building a Culture of Quality is $550 until the registration deadline, 11/1/2018. After the registration deadline, if space is available, the late registration fee will be $650 /per team member.
This educational program has been developed by national and regional experts and is offered as a service to WSCUC member institutions and others who wish to learn about good practices applicable to all institutions. It is entirely optional, and our hope is that member institutions will find it helpful. WSCUC staff will be present to answer questions related specifically to accreditation expectations.
Event Details
Date: November 15, 2018 - 8:30am - 4:30pm
Fee: Free