Student Success and Educational Effectiveness: It All Starts with Engagement

A large and growing body of evidence suggests that active engagement helps learners retain and apply concepts both inside and outside the classroom – and the experiences of the past three years have foregrounded the importance of online and hybrid learning, often leaving instructors and institutions to grapple with developing and sustaining effective learning environments. However, engaging today’s diverse learners requires meaningful consideration of institutional culture, curriculum, and the classroom dynamic. This workshop explores each of these pillars—culture, curriculum, and classroom— toward the development of better teaching, learning, and approaches to assessment, self-reflective practices, and roadmaps for change. We will dive into the complexities of student engagement, including how and why, and what kinds of student behavior signals academic achievement in online and hybrid learning environments. All of this work will be considered in a context of practices that encourage student engagement and promote equity – especially those that improve educational effectiveness.

Event Details

Date: December 2, 2022 - 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM PST

Fee: $350 ($395 after 11/16/22). Fee reduced if registering for both of the December workshops.

Venue Details

Kellogg West Conference Center

Address: 3801 W. Temple Avenue Pomona, CA 91768

Hours: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM PST

Phone: (909) 869-4146



Katie McAllister Photo

Katie McAllister

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