• Commission Policy Updates

    March 7, 2024 - The Commission


Substantive Change Policy (revised)

The Substantive Change Policy, last updated in 2020, outlines the criteria for accredited and candidate institutions to seek WSCUC approval for significant modifications in programs, locations, and organizational structure, guided by federal regulations. The latest revision integrates elements from the “Levels of Review for Proposed Changes in Mission, Legal Status, Ownership or Control Policy,” includes new federal guidelines for institutions undergoing mergers, and expands on the requirements for post-approval site visits. Following feedback from the membership, minor adjustments were made to clarify the review process for international instructional locations and the information provided to peer reviewers, along with the types of substantive change reviews.

Staff contact: John Hausaman

Complaints and Third-Party Comments Policy (revised)

First approved in 2006, this policy has undergone multiple revisions, with the latest focusing on increasing complainant confidentiality, refining third-party comment procedures, advising when issues are more suitable as third-party comments, detailing complaint submission methods, broadening third-party comments to encompass external factors impacting institutions, and designating the Commission’s Executive Committee to act on complaints against Commission staff and Commissioners. No comments were received from the membership on the proposed revisions.

Staff contact: Christopher Oberg

Institutional Response to Team Report Policy (new)

The Department of Education required WSCUC to establish a policy to log institutions’ invitations and responses to team reports in its review records, aligning with federal regulations for detailed accreditation documentation. WSUC has traditionally invited and included institutional responses in Commission materials for review of institutions; this new policy will formalize the preservation of these communications as part of the institutional record, aligning with the Department’s directive to enhance administrative oversight of accreditation activities. Because this new policy addresses a Department of Education requirement, feedback from the membership will not be solicited. Instead, the membership will be informed about this new policy.

Staff contact: Barbara Gross Davis

Accreditation Records Retention Policy (revised)

The policy revision aligns it with the Institutional Response to Team Report Policy. In addition, the revision now clearly assigns the Records Retention Officer the responsibility of overseeing the Accreditation Records Retention Policy’s provisions. Because this policy incorporates a Department of Education requirement, feedback from the membership will not be solicited. Instead, the membership will be informed about the revision.

Staff contact: Barbara Gross Davis

Training Peer Reviewers Policy (new)

The Department of Education required WSCUC to establish and document a training policy for peer reviewers, in accordance with the federal regulation that stipulates accreditation agencies must have qualified personnel trained in the agency’s standards and procedures for reviews of institutions. WSCUC has historically trained its reviewers and is now expressly incorporating it in a formal policy. This new policy addresses both the Department’s directive and the regulatory requirement. Because this new policy is a direct response to the Department of Education’s requirement, feedback from the membership will not be solicited. Instead, the membership will be informed about this new policy.

Staff contact: Barbara Gross Davis


Levels of Review for Proposed Changes in Mission, Legal Status, Ownership or Control Policy (retired)

The revisions to the Substantive Change Policy now include elements from this policy and updates to comply with federal regulations. With the revised Substantive Change Policy approved, the prior policy on Levels of Review for Proposed Changes in Mission, Legal Status, Ownership or Control is now obsolete.

Staff contact: John Hausaman

Incubation Policy (retired)

Introduced in 2015, the Incubation Policy aimed to facilitate the ability of accredited institutions to nurture unaccredited entities toward accreditation. The policy was suspended in 2021 to reassess the purpose and value of the policy, its relationship to educational innovation and pathways to independent accreditation, and alignment with federal regulations. The Commission voted to retire the Incubation Policy and has asked staff to explore development of a policy or resource focused on fostering educational innovation and creative arrangements.

Staff contact: John Hausaman