• Thematic Pathway for Reaffirmation Resources

About the Thematic Pathway for Reaffirmation (TPR)

WSCUC developed the Thematic Pathway for Reaffirmation, or TPR, as an alternate pathway for reaffirmation for eligible institutions that demonstrate consistent evidence of a healthy fiscal condition, strong student achievement indicators, and sustained quality performance. This new pathway is as rigorous as the current institutional review process, but the timeline is streamlined and the institution can focus on self-selected themes in addition to demonstrating compliance with the Standards.

Through the TPR process, eligible institutions have the opportunity to demonstrate compliance with all Standards through a document review (completing Component 2 of the current institutional review process) and then undertake a self-study that focuses on a topic or topics chosen by the institution and related to one or more of the Standards (completing Component 8).  In addition, the institution will complete Component 1 to provide a brief overview of the institution and its response to previous Commission recommendations and Component 9 to reflect on what has been learned and next steps.

TPR Resources

You can refine your search by audience, resource type, or keyword. As you update your search details the resources will adjust. To explore all resources, regardless of the audience, use the main resource search page.


2013 Handbook of Accreditation

The 2013 Handbook is designed to serve several purposes: to present the Commission’s Core Commitments and Standards of Accreditation; to guide institutions through the institutional review process; and to assist review teams at each stage of review.


2023 Handbook of Accreditation

The WSCUC 2023 Handbook provides information on the 2023 Standards, the Institutional Review Process for Reaffirmation, the Thematic Pathway for Reaffirmation (TPR), and Commission Decisions.


Accreditation Management Portal (AMP) Login

Member institutions log in to the Accreditation Management Portal (AMP) to submit their annual reports, request substantive changes, and view invoices. The AMP is also used by institutions to update profile information, institutional contacts, and details related to programs and locations


Becoming Accredited

This page provides information and resources for institutions interested in seeking WSCUC accreditation.


Evidence and Data

This page provides access to data on WSCUC accredited institutions, information about WSCUC data initiatives such as peer benchmarking, and highlights of WSCUC’s “Better Conversations, Better Data” initiative.


Key Indicators Dashboard

The Key Indicators Dashboard (KID) presents detailed trend and comparative information on WSCUC’s accredited undergraduate and graduate institutions in a clear, easy to use format. KID displays from federal data sets to present multiple years of metrics, trend data, and comparisons based on both national and WSCUC averages. KID provides integrated, accessible data on institution size and context, student completion, student finances, institution finances, and post-graduation outcomes.


Substantive Change Resources

Information on how institutions need to report and seek approval of changes to their mission, educational programs, scope, control or organizational structure.


Volunteer Information Portal (VIP) Login

The Volunteer Information Portal (VIP) is for Peer Reviewers and other volunteers in our community. A person’s VIP account allows them to: create and update their profile; share areas of expertise and necessary details to be considered for future volunteer opportunities; view current team information and see peer reviewer history via My Teams; and access the Key Indicators Dashboard (KID).


WSCUC’s Commitment to Equity & Inclusion

The Commission approved a bold, new statement on Equity and Inclusion at its June 25, 2021 meeting. Learn more about this statement and about Equity and Inclusion at WSCUC, including current policies, resources, activities, and the Commission’s Equity & Inclusion Council.


2020 ALO Forum – Change and Change Agents

The ALO Forum is an annual event and part of the ARC. The topic, "Change and Change Agents," was presented as a webinar hosted by WSCUC on May 28, 2020. Panelists discussed the impact and changes resulting from present circumstances. Included are links to the webinar recording, notes from forum panel, and the 2020 ALO forum survey feedback.